Thank You Water Glass

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Thank You Water Glass


My background is in water education, and for many years I worked with teachers and students around the world to improve water quality in local river systems. I believe that the key to water protection is water appreciation and expressing gratitude for this life giving liquid.

My beautiful drinking glasses act like kaleidoscopes to bring color and light into the everyday experience of drinking a glass of water. I hope that when people pour a glass of clean water -which is such a blessing and privilege- and see the brilliance shining through it, they will remember to be grateful and relish in the beauty of their everyday life.

I created the “Thank You Water” glass to remind us to be grateful for abundant, clean water in our lives. The words “Thank You Water” are engraved around the base to remind us of this intention.

It is my wish that when people fill this glass with water and see the brilliance shining through it, they will give thanks for this precious liquid that makes up so much of our bodies and planet. And perhaps be reminded to drink more water...

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